地点题 Places
2014-1 to 4 |
2014-5 to 8 |
2014-9 to 12 |
A beautiful house /apartment |
A country you want to go recently |
A park |
A historic building |
A beautiful place which u want have a home |
A foreign country you want to go for the first time |
A tourist attraction |
A park/garden |
A historical/interesting building |
A place near water |
A important building in ur country |
A school you went when you were a kid |
An interesting country (not your own) |
A far away from home place you that have been to |
A place where you want to have as home |
A park (garden) you visit |
A place you visited where you learned something about another culture |
A place you visited where you learned something about another culture |
A restaurant |
A restaurant |
A school you when you are a young child |
物品题 Objects
2014-1 to 4 |
2014-5 to 8 |
2014-9 to 12 |
Something you saved money for |
A magazine you like to read |
A magazine you like to read |
A photo |
Something you brought from a trip |
Something you shared with others |
An interesting wild animal in your country |
Something you bought but not used often |
An interesting wild animal in your country |
A thing you can’t live without |
An equipment you’re unfamiliar with |
Something you bought but not used often |
A gift you received when you were a kid |
A gift you received when were a kid |
Something you borrowed from others |
A popular product made in China |
Something you shared with others |
Something you brought from a trip |
A piece of art |
An interesting wild animal in your country |
An advertisement you like |
A popular/useful website |
A broken equipment |
A photo |
An important letter |
An important letter |
A foreign movie |
An antique in your family that you kept for a long time |
Your first cellphone |
A broken equipment |
An advertisement you like |
A piece of clothes you need to wear in special occasion |
An important letter |
Your favorite season |
An advertisement you like |
Your first cellphone |
A subject you didn’t like at school |
A book you want to recommend to others |
A book someone recommended |
A law you like in your country |
A useful advice you received |
A radio/TV program |
A prize you won |
A useful application |
A handmade gift for your friend |
3. Part three
Part three讨论部分,是三部分中难度比较高的一部分,但是其地位也是不可忽视的,特别是想要拿到高分的同学,在第三部分中的回答更要出彩。主要要体现出回答问题的逻辑性和辩证思维方式。虽然由于考生的水平不同,考官会借自由发挥提出不同内容的问题,但其出题方式还是非常有规律可寻的。
3.1 ‘对比题’地位依然屹立不倒
Part three中非常高频出现的就是对比的题,其集中于对比男女,老幼,地域,时间, 方式等等上的不同,例如今天出现在考生回忆中的,‘For young children, which is most effective, giving advice or giving training?’(方式),’How do you think people's life-styles today are different to people's lifestyles in the past?’(时间), ‘Is there much difference between the exercise that young people do and the exercise that old(er) people do?’(老幼)。这一类的对比题比较偏重于考核考生的归纳总结能力,也是比较传统的一种题型。在准备的时候,其实可以尝试提前准备好男女之间的差别和老幼之间的差异化,以应对这一类的对比题。在2014年中,还有一类对比题的比重也开始上升,比如,‘Which way do you think is easier for saving money? Using credit card or using cash?’。与传统归纳式的比较题不同的是,这类题需要考生在开头就做出相应的选择,然后阐述选择的一方优点,并对比出为选择一方的缺点。这种题对考生的要求更高,建议考试的时候迅速反映,选择擅长或较熟悉的一方作答。
3.2 委婉客观的语气是真理
在part three中考官常常会让考生‘预测predict’或展望未来的变化,亦或是归纳总结某个话题的特点特征,例如, ‘What kinds of sport will be popular in your country?’ (未来预测) ‘What qualities does a TV celebrity need to have?’(观点归纳总结) 而这些题型的特征是,在短短几十秒的回答中,无论如何也做不到全面。所以这个时候如果使用比较弱的语气,会更容易体现出精准度。建议考试加入能表示推断的语气词,比如说情态动词might,may或者加入一些表示可能的形容词和副词,probably,possible等。会令语气更加客观,从而体现出英语预测和推断的功能。
3.3 优点缺点不能落
有些考试会感觉准备part three的时候无从下手,原因是感觉part three是考官现场出题,自己提前无法准备或者预料。其实,在part three中有一类题的出题率也很高,在2014年的考试中依然高频的出现,就是指出相关话题的优缺点。所以建议考生在准备part two的时候,可以顺势想一下自己要说的内容主体,针对社会一些主体人群来说,例如,children, teenagers 或者old persons等等,有什么益处和弊端。同时,准备一些表达‘优点’和‘缺点’的同义替换词,以便于应对这种题型。