2014年,part one话题频率如下:
Animals |
Housework |
Languages |
Names |
Shopping |
Television |
Cars |
Cooking |
Clothes |
Dictionary |
History |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
Internet |
Maps |
Museums |
Music |
Neighbors |
Photography |
Rain |
Time |
Weekends |
Train |
Gifts |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
不难发现,其中全年使用的,即出现过3次的话题并非全新的题目,而是使用过至少3年的旧题目。所以,没有意外的话,在2015年的考试中会继续延续使用的概率会比较低。而使用过2次的的题目,则很可能在2015年1月的考试中继续沿用,考生们可以认真准备。而只使用过1次的题且又出现在年末的一些旧题,比如food,photography,transportation,要着重准备。关于新题,其实只出现了shoes和street market比较‘不脸熟’的两个话题,但与旧题中的shopping都有很高的关联度,貌似对词汇十分有针对性,可是答题的时候并不需要专业词汇。可见part one在2014年出题还是依照贴近生活的核心,出题还是没有意外,比较体现出‘聊天’的特点。
2. Part two
2014-1 to 4 |
2014-5 to 8 |
2014-9 to 12 |
an intelligent person |
an intelligent person |
An old man you respect |
an old person you enjoy talking to |
a person who has an interesting job |
A relative you like to spend time with |
a person you want to spend time with |
a neighbour you helped |
A person who has an interesting job |
a famous person in your country |
a friend you haven't seen for a long time |
a beautiful or a handsome person |
a popular comic/cartoon character you like |
a popular comic/cartoon character you like |
A friend from school |
a famous person (you want to meet not from your country) |
A person you want to similar to in the future |
A musician, a singer or a band in your country |
A famous foreign person you want to see |
A sports star |
从以上表格中可以看出一个有意思的现象,就是人物题目的数量大幅增加,最后一季较第一季增长了接近50%。而且出现了几个全新的题目,分别是‘a beautiful or a handsome person’‘A person you want to similar to in the future’,但人物题的内容基本上还是可以从普通人和明星两类题去入手。所以建议考生2015年准备人物题的时候,还是要着重合并。
事件题 Events
2014-1 to 4 |
2014-5 to 8 |
2014-9 to 12 |
A positive experience during teenager time |
An indoor game you played when were a kid |
An indoor game you played when were a kid |
A decision took you a long time to make |
A sports game |
A time you were far away from home |
A competition you would like to take part in |
A busy time |
A good habit your friend have |
An event that changed your life in a good way |
A successful thing your friend did |
A traffic jam |
A family business you know |
A family celebration |
A family celebration |
An interesting conversation with a strange |
A time when you forgot to do something |
Something you did wasted your time |
A special meal |
An occasion you helped others |
An occasion you waited for some one |
A group you like to take part in |
An event changed your life |
An occasion you helped others |
Something you like to do with an old person from your family |
A good service offered by a restaurant or a company |
A time you moved into a new home or school |
A wedding |
An occasion you invited friends for meals at restaurant or home |
A project/homework in your study |
事件题从数量上来看,3个题库没有明显的变化。但考生们要注意的是,在前两季的题库中,旧题较多,或者即便是有换了的题,也是旧题的回归比较多,例如 ‘A family celebration’ ‘An occasion you helped others’。并且内容也比较传统的延续了家庭聚会,节日或者与自身变化相关。但是要注意的是,最后一个题库事件题变化比较大,其中标注黄色的都是全新的题目,在以往考试中没有出现过。建议考生2015年放注意力在事件题的联系上。在备考时要练习‘联想’能力,也就是即便考试遇到新题,也可以比较自如的将所学的语料整合应用到新题中,不至于在考场上现场编造。