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留学备考白皮书 | 雅思口语换题题库 | 雅思考后回忆试题 | 雅思教师预测试题 |
导语:2023年雅思口语换题是在什么时候?雅思每年换题季是1、5、9月。在1月换题季里,新东方将会有3次更新,【1月新题】:包含本季度最新题目(14道Part 1和21道Part 2&3)和固定题与上季度保留题目,完整版试题请直接点击下载;随后,1月13号前更新【初版解析】;1月20号前更新【终版解析】!更多雅思复习资料请点击进入雅思听力、雅思口语、雅思阅读、雅思写作等频道,新东方雅思考试网祝你考试顺利!
Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
What the website is
How you knew this website
What the website contains
And explain why you think it is useful
Part 3
What kinds of website are most popular in your country?
Why do people like to read the news on the internet instead of on TV?
How do these social media websites affect society?
Why do many websites have advertisements?
Is the library still necessary? Why?