雅思口语Part 2地点建筑类话题,总是喜欢考old building,historical building,我也不知道为啥命题者这么怀旧!
大家平时出去玩耍,可能比较喜欢游山玩水啦,或者去大都市体验生活啦,很少去老建筑溜达是吧。我们这里先弄清楚一个概念,museum不是historical building,虽然它里面的东西可能很有历史,不过这个building是新的(当然除了Palace Museum和一会儿要跟大家分享的另一个museum)。
然后很多童鞋问the Great Wall算不算historical building,如果真要较真的话,其实building是指有wall有roof的那种,所以长城可能也不算了(牛津高阶对building的定义是a structure such as a house or school that has a roof and walls,别打我不关我的事……)
我们还是化繁为简,不用搞那么专业的了。大家想想,是不是哪位孩子的家乡,都会有名人故居什么的,比如鲁迅啦,孔子啦,即使没有各种“大家”,地主土豪啥的总有吧,然后我们就当成是描写house or apartment那个话题,你会说啥,那个故居就长啥样,之后再结合个人特点,瞎说几句,就好了:
I’d like to talk about the former residence of the most loaded landlord in my city a century ago. I was told that he’s got more money than what the people had in the whole town combined. So back in the day, that family was super influential.
The house is grandly situated at the foot of a mountain, so it’s got gorgeous views. And Chinese people believe in Feng Shui, so I think that’s one of the reasons they chose that location.
There’s a huge backyard with lots of trees, just like small woods. The rooms are spacious and well furnished, which only rich people at that time could afford.
And it is rumored that when the Communist Party took over the place after the foundation of People’s Republic of China, the whole family ran away, but they left tons of gold hidden under the ground near the house. As you can imagine, people once flocked to this house because of this, hoping to dig out gold. But I’m sure it’s nothing but a made-up story.
And now it’s become the Manchu history museum, with quite a few exhibitions on display every day, introducing the history and culture of Manchu, which is one of the 55 Chinese ethnic minorities. So this place has become a magnet for tourists. The best part is, it’s open to the public for free. I’ve visited it a few times, and I have to say, I’m impressed. They have different performances and displays on a regular basis, so each time I went there, I could learn something new.
So I guess that’s pretty much it.