不知道大家有没有看过一个BBC出品的烹饪节目叫做Chinese Food Made Easy,这是一档中国美食系列节目,教大家如何用简单的食材做出美味的饭菜。而且她给出了simple practical tips and techniques,手把手教我们在自家厨房烹饪出五星级美味!甚至会请来奥运冠军试吃跟试做,来证明菜品的营养价值和简单的操作。
这样一款TV show,会不会让大家灵光一现,联想到我们的educational TV program呢!当然为了扣题,我们需要在这个节目里增加一些内容,比如类似“健康讲座”之类的东东,然后为了防止考官也是个烹饪迷,看过这档节目,我们还得给它换个名字,随便叫什么都可以,于是,我们整合出来的答案,就大概长成这个样子:
I’d like to talk about a cooking program which I think is really educational. Actually, on school days, I’m pretty tied up with my study, so I don’t have too much time watching TV, but last summer vacation, I had plenty of time to kill and I spent a lot of time sitting in front of the TV. And my favorite program is the one I mentioned just now, which is a cooking program designed for young people who don’t have too much time to stay in the kitchen.
It’s called the Foodie. The selling point of this program is that it teaches people how to make healthy dishes at your own kitchen using common ingredients that are available in any supermarket. And the cooking methods it provides are pretty simple and timesaving, but the dishes are super nutritious and palatable.
My favorite part of the program is to teach the audience how to make low-calorie dessert at home.
I think this program is educational, because it teaches people how to keep a balanced diet and the importance of a healthy eating habit. The host always said, we are what we eat. That’s really a wake-up call for me, ‘cause I didn’t pay any attention to my diet at all in the past. I always eat out of the microwave, and I eat lots of snacks and sometimes I would skip lunch and dinner. So after watching this educational program, I changed my eating habit and my lifestyle. And to be honest, I felt more vigorous than before, so I’m really grateful to this educational program.
平时大家看的各种reality show,documentary啥的啦,都可以整理成答案哦!素材就在那里,就看各位怎么编喽,加油!