Describe an indoor game (not about sport) you liked to play when you were a child(事件类)
You should say:
What the game was
Who you used to play with
How you played it
And explain why you liked this game
相同变体:Describe an indoor game in your childhood
describe an indoor activity when you were a child
说到小时候的indoor game,很多烤鸭比较犯难。跟考官讲实话吧,有些游戏拿英语根本讲不出来,比如当年风靡一时的“扇pia(四声)ji”(玩儿过的孩子你们懂的)。还有些记性不好的孩子,完全不记得小时候在家玩儿过啥,甚至都没有过sleepover的经历(a party for children or young people when a group of them spend the night at one house),所以这个话题真是卡死了好多人。
不过瞎编肯定也得来源于生活,我们回忆一下,当Lego乐高还没那么普遍的时候,是不是很多孩子会把麻将当积木玩儿?看完各种古装剧(costume drama)之后,会不会把床单儿被罩套身上玩儿角色扮演?看了赌神周润发什么的肯定也会有人在家摇色子(shake the dice)飞扑克牌吧!还有最普遍的过家家(play house)对不对!
When I was little, before I went to primary school, my playmates and I used to play a game called Traveller which is something we invented ourselves.
It might sound a little silly because the way we played it and most of the things we needed in the game were imaginary. Anyway, this is how we did it.
Usually, there would be at least 5 of us, and we picked cards to decide which role we were about to play, so basically, it was a role-playing game. Of course the traveller is the main character, and on the way, he or she would do lots of stuff with other players. We also had restaurants, bakeries, hotels, movie theaters and things like that. So other players would be the owners who ran those places.
We made up all the scenarios, to be honest, we didn’t have a script or anything. At the beginning of the game, the traveller got to pick what kind of trip he or she wanted to go on, and what place he or she wanted to go to. And then, other players would just improvise the rest of the storyline.
For example, one time I was the traveller, and I decided that I wanted to go on a business trip, ‘cause I always see those businessmen wearing suits and stuff on TV, which I think is really cool. And I picked New York. Actually, this game could be a little challenging for small kids, I mean, if you want to play it really well, you have to be familiar with the culture and the lifestyle of the local people. But it’s virtually impossible for a bunch of little kids to know about a foreign country, let alone speaking English, so in fact, we were just fooling around at that time.
Right now when I think about it, it was pretty naive, but back then, it was really amusing and this game used to be our favorite pastime.
注:小孩子的游戏嘛,多幼稚都木有问题,上面的indoor game,大家完全可以理解为是过家家的升级版,总之,你的游戏,你做主!